Tuesday, December 13, 2011

All about Airlines.. and a few other things

I finally found a flight to Argentina, and by that I mean my beautiful mother found it for me. Unfortunately Linette and I won't be able to fly together, so we'll just have to meet up down there. The prospect of being on a 14 hour flight by myself doesn't seem very appealing, but hey, I was the one asking for adventure. We ended up getting a pretty good bargain on my ticket, I'm so thankful for that.

Speaking of adventure Linette and I decided we're going to make a list. I love lists... a lot. But before you jump the gun and remind me of the notebooks full of lists unfinished sprawled next to my bed, may I just say it was her suggestion. I just happen to think it is a grand idea. Once we have some ideas brainstormed I'll post them. If any of you have any ideas feel free to comment and let me know.

One more thing before I go. I set up a funding website on Go Fund Me, a great website that allows travelers or anyone really to have a safe method for friends and family to help them financially if they feel so led. So if you have a ton of extra dolla dolla bills laying around feel free to send them my way via the link, hey, anything helps.

Well it's about time I get up and get studying, finals week. gah.

Stay Warm,

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