Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Video Blog. Week 1

As fascinating as my life has been in one week, somehow I still don't feel justified making a whole video about any one thing, nevertheless, a promise is a promise. Anna, I discussed food and coffee for you, I'm saving wine until I go to Mendoza. As requested by Geoff and Cori, my face is included too. Thank you all for being patient with me while I figure out how to be less awkward and make these more entertaining. I miss you all. Besos, Hil

Medialunes y café solo after class today

Had to go to a health food store to find these babies. 

Just one of the many types of sugars the locals ingest. It's like pound cake but sweeter!

1 comment:

  1. More of your face! :) also you better be checking out the dancing down there too! I wanna know about it!

